The Fault In... John Green???

Posted by Sandra on Tuesday, April 3, 2012. Filed under: , , , , ,

Title: The Fault In Our Stars
Author: John Green
Read In: 2012

Oh John Green, what have you done to me? 

There's something about The Fault In Our Stars that got everyone either hyping about it or wondering why the hype. I belong to the first group of people. When I bought this I was expecting something very different, more childish perhaps, but when I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I loved it for several reasons:

1. Hazel and Augustus are not entirely realistic, I can't resist teenagers that think in such a complex way and have very mature points of view about everything; although I know why they are like that, they have bigger problems than the average teenagers, but still, I'd love to meet people like them. 

2. Love story is not the main subject of this story. I'm a hopeless romantic, and I can't never resist a love story, but 99% of the times, I get bored when the love life of the main characters is the center of the whole story. This story was about trying to overcome a letal disease, achieving goals, trying to make dreams come true, but most important, LIVING. 

3. Augustus Waters. Oh my. This boy was too much for me to read. He is close to perfection, and I'm not talking about looks. I mean, he's flawed, like we all are; but he's got a big soul and aura that made him become one of my favourite characters ever. I think he might be an improved male version of me. 

4. They exchanged books. I think this is one of the most romantic ways of showing someone that you care about them. Lending them your books, talking about them, discussing how you liked it or why you hated it; it just brings you closer to someone. 

5. Peter Van Houten. REAL ass character. Not living in a fairytale, he lives trying to suppress the pain of losing someone you love due to cancer. Not all characters must be lovable in a book. I can't tell if John Green wrote Peter with the intention of being hated or being understood. I understood him. 

6. The sex scene. No explanation needed. 

7. Quotes. This book is full of relatable quotes that make you think. Seriously. My favorite? "That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt" 

8. The ending. Just no. All my emotions met while reading the last chapters of this book. I was a mess, i literally was curled up, weeping and wishing I had never read this. It's just how I dealt with so many things going on with my life, but still, It made me think and cry my heart out. 

So, it's understandable and respectable if you didn't like this book, or any book that's causing so much hype among your fellow readers, because we all handle every story differently. One thing is true: This is one of my favorite books and I recommend it to every single person in the world. This was an amazing, full of emotions reading. It's amazingness its unbelievable, if you haven't read it yet I don't know what are you waiting for. 

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